
Learning to be a more charismatic person will aid you in:

💎 Mastering effective communication

💎 Building rapport with others quickly

💎 Reading the body language of others

💎 Learn how to become a more powerful negotiator

💎 Becoming a more powerful non-verbal communicator

💎 How to create more impact + influence in the lives of those around you

Even though it may feel out of reach right now, you can see your future self clearly in your mind creating a massive ripple effect of positive change in this world. 

Imagine how much easier it would be to create this change that you envision if you were able to easily build rapport and create effortless influence with the people around you…

Learning to embody the characteristics of a highly charismatic person will help you overcome things like:

➡️ Imposter Syndrome

➡️ Fear of public speaking

➡️ Feeling sleazy when selling

It's really not as difficult as you think. 

All it takes is learning how to embody the fundamental characteristics of charisma. 

And a commitment to practicing getting better daily. 

30 Days to Charismatic Influence was created to be an easy and implementable, step-by-step program that allows you to become more charismatic and influential in a short period of time.


Download the FREE Guide

Inside is a checklist with everything you need to have the most powerful sessions with your clients. The reflection prompts are the 6 pillars to creating a transformational coaching session. These questions will help you dive into each pillar and will allow you to become aware of how you are showing up for your clients.


Money Mindset Makeover

The course will help you unblock subconscious or energetic blocks to manifest more money than ever before. This course will teach you:

  • Where your current lifestyle patterns are keeping you from manifesting more money.

  • How to identify, unblock and re-wire these patterns to establish major alignment with your money mindset.

  • The new tools, skills, and action-steps to implement for massive success moving forward.


About Coach Kael 

I started off in the fitness industry as a personal trainer and massage therapist in 2011.  I gained recognition FAST. I booked celebrity clients, I was on TV multiple times, hired for commercials and print work as a fitness model, I even signed a deal with professional multiple athletes and high-status personalities. 

It seemed like I had it made. I was getting paid to travel the world and do what I loved. I got to eat at the nicest restaurants, stay in the fanciest hotels, and network with some of the highest-level people in their industry. But there was always something tugging at my sleeve calling me to do something more for people, and the planet -- far beyond the money, the “influencer status” or the name that I had built for myself. 

I had always loved helping others, and along the way, began diving deeper into personal development work and psychology to sharpen my craft. Eventually, I started listening more to my intuition and followed where that calling led. 

My search for more led me to stretch beyond the confines of my mind and explore a range of modalities such as neurolinguistics programming, reiki and energy work, breathwork, meditation, emotional freedom technique, tantra, emotional intelligence, cognitive behavioral therapy and more. 

As I ventured deeper into myself, I realized: that to become the person I desired to become, I first have to learn how to BE in a different way. What unfolded next….wasn't easy. I decided to go deeper into my own healing than ever before. I addressed my traumas and toxic behavioral patterns and really had to unearth some deep-rooted stuff. 

I stumbled, fell, I made a lot of mistakes....I even found myself in homelessness for 3 months, but I picked myself back up over and over again…I kept moving forward, no matter what. My life depended on it.

What this whole journey has taught me is to be unashamed by my desires, unafraid of the callings of my heart, and undaunted in my pursuit of a higher purpose. It takes effort, but TRUST ME….it’s worth it. 

It also meant being willing to let go of the pressure I had put on myself over the years to build the IMAGE of success, and learn how to fall more into the FEELINGS that I wanted my life and my business to actually provide me. The more I learned and healed, the more I realized: that I wanted to help others discover that same freedom for themselves. ACTUAL FREEDOM….NOT JUST THE PORTRAYED IMAGE OF IT….

As the founder of the Kollective Conscious Certification Academy, I develop other passionate people to become high-level, heart-centered leaders. I have to opportunity to teach others how to step into their power through healing the parts of their past/subconscious programming that are keeping them stuck from achieving more, then how to develop their mindset and skill levels to achieve success beyond their wildest dreams.