Unlocking Angel Numbers 101

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Although we have angels around us all of the time, we are also being given messages through patterns, synchronicities, and symbols. When we learn to tap into these divine messages, we can be guided in ways beyond ourselves. 

Our guardian angels and spirit guides do not always communicate with us in simple or clear ways that are easy for us to understand or interpret, but if you are noticing “strange” patterns or “coincidences” in the numbers you see, it is not strange or coincidental at all….this is a message from the Divine. 

This Divine Guidance exists in a realm higher in vibrational frequency than the physical world we live in, yet they are still able to communicate with us. These messages from The Divine are messages of our highest truth, coming from God, The Universe and Source. They are simply messages encouraging you on your journey ahead.

What Are Angel Numbers:

Angel Numbers are patterns or sequences of numbers that carry divine messages and guidance. These patterns are a guiding principle which refer to specific numerological meanings. 

In numerology, these divine numerical sequences are understood as unique,  meaningful and specific. Each pattern carries a specific vibrational meaning. These vibrational frequencies are similar to the vibrational frequencies to  the spiritual realm of our spirit guides and Divine. 

Often, when our guides want to get our attention, they do so through sending us patterns, synchronicities and specific number patterns.  Usually we don’t recognize it the first time, especially if it is the beginning of the cycle of patterns, so our guides send us these messages over and over again. It is the repetition of the sequence that will seem so “coincidental” that it can no longer be received as a coincidence, but now because something we notice as a message. It's important to discover the specific meanings.

Why are they important:

The messages we receive through angel numbers are one of the several ways we receive messages from our guides. Being that guides are in a different realm, vibrating at a higher frequency, these messages allow us to have more awareness of our connection to the Divine...the guidance that we are always receiving from our guiding angels. 

For our guides to contact us, they do so through these patterns and synchronicities. They have always been guiding you, and trying to communicate with you, regardless if you are just now realizing the patterns and synchronicities of your life. 

The physical realm that we live in, is a much lower/slower vibration than that of the realm are guides exist in. Meaning these synchronicities are they are able to communicate with us. The human mind is the only thing in the physical plane that is capable of understanding and interpreting information from the higher realm. 

The numbers we see have a specific meaning, and message form the higher realm. Each number has it’s own vibrational meaning that will allow you to interpret the message you are receiving from source. 

When you become aware of the patterns in your life and these repetitive series of numbers, they are actually carrying specific information about your life and situations in it that you can use to guide you towards deeper understanding and alignment within your life.