4 Mistakes to Avoid When Manifesting

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So I have recently manifested some amazing things into my life. Almost all of these manifestations I have been in the process of manifesting for over 12 months now, and all of them have come into my life in less than 2 months!!!!

Not only am I beyond excited about that, it all just kinda hit me last week when I was doing my gratitude journaling. It’s crazy to think that I had received all these manifestations, and it took me a couple days or weeks (after receiving them) to even realize what just happened. 

I guess that’s how “detached from the outcome” I was, in the process of these manifestations!

In discussing these manifestations with several of my clients, I’ve noticed that there are actually mistakes that we commonly make when we are in the process of manifesting. And I wanted to share my findings. 


  1. Avoid focusing on the negative or “it’s not working”

Instead, focus on what you are currently grateful for in your life. Gratitude is one of the highest vibrating frequencies, and it is literally one of the “attraction” frequencies. The more you focus on abundance and gratitude, the more your life will be a magnet for more abundance and things to be grateful for. Sometimes all it takes is a simple shift in perspective to understand that you are currently in the process of receiving (or being prepared to receive) all that you are manifesting. 

2. Avoid wanting it because “everyone else has one”

When manifesting anything, it’s important for us to come into full understanding and full alignment with the reasons why we want something. “Keeping up with the Jones’s” simply isn’t enough fuel for your manifesting fire! More simply put; you will only receive what it is that you are an energetic match for, If you want it because someone else has it, you are operating from an energetic place of lack, and therefore may attract more “lack” into your life. 

3. Avoid thinking that simply because you put the intention of receiving it, that you don’t have to do any more work to receive it. 

Again, you’ll need to become an energetic match for that of which you wish to receive. Start by setting the intention, then understand what actions or mindsets need to be adopted (or eliminated) in order for you to become the best energetic match possible to receive. 

4. Expecting to have it right now

Sometimes it will take years of hard work, effort and intention to manifest something, and other times it’ll take only hours or days. Each manifestation is different, but I cannot stress this enough...BECOMING AN ENERGETIC MATCH IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PARTS OF MANIFESTATION.  

Becoming an energetic match will require we:

  • Heal

  • Clear old energies, habits, ways of thinking and speaking

  • Eliminate limitations (this can include people, clutter in the house, food from our diet and activities we habitually participate in) 

  • Intentionally take steps forward in elevating your mindset, your physical wellbeing, and your spiritual vibration 

If you’re ready to take steps forward in learning how to balance and align your energy, and ultimately become an energetic match for all that you are attracting into your life, then start with the Original Goddess Bundle!


In the Original Goddess Bundle, you'll get:

  • Divine Energy Systems: A whole video module where I guide you through your personal energy systems. How to discover which ones are more dominant, which ones are lacking a  bit, and how to become more balanced and more aligned within these energy systems. Balancing these energy system will allow you to become more confident, more aligned, and ultimately develop more powerful manifestation skills. 

  • Divine Energy Activation Journal: This journal accompanies the video module which will help you take practical action steps in understanding, balancing and aligning with your Divine Energy Systems. 

  • Divine Energy Activation Meditation: Coupled with the video module + the journal, this meditation will speak direction to your subconscious mind, further deepening the activation.

  • Higher Self Meditation: Getting more deeply connected to your higher self creates deeper alignment in the choices and actions you take today! Create a deep inner connection with your higher self, and be guided towards even deeper alignment. 

  • Attraction Journal: This journal is a standard in my daily practice and how I up-level my vibe rapidly. This is how I stay highly productive, and high in my positive energy.

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