8 Steps to Manifest Money Like a Boss Bitch

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Step 1. Be Clear About What You Need The Money For

Some people want money for the simple idea or infatuation with just having more money. But for what purpose do you want this money? You aren’t just going to stockpile it are you?

You want it so you can do something with it. So what do you plan to use the money for?

  • Do you want to pay off debt

  • Buy a new car

  • Buy a new house?

  • Support your dream life?

  • Take that vacation?

  • Treat a loved one?

  • Send your kids to college?

Write down all the physical things that having this money will provide you. Thinking that “having a lot of money would be nice” just is not enough. Understanding energetic charge (or the reason why you want something) is super important when manifesting! Make a list of the specific things (and even as specific as the dollar amount if you know it) that you want to manifest this money for.

Step 2. Decide On How Much Money You Need

Keep in mind: I said need, not want. Because if you think about what exactly you need this money for (like growing your online business, or a new car, or the down payment on your new house, etc.), you will probably realize that you don’t really need “a million dollars”, but rather, you need a very specific amount of money.

The same goes, if you are trying to manifest “financial freedom”, you will need know what that specifically looks like for you, and how much money you will need to “be financially free”. How much money is that a month/a year? What will you spend it on?

Even billionaires would like more money, and feel like they should be making more. So i recommend understanding the energetic charge (or feeling in your body) when you are in the process of manifesting anything.

Do you feel anxious, nervous, or like you are lacking something? If so, this is a clear sign that you nee to address your relationship with money first.

Step 3. Understand where you stand with money

Like I mentioned before, do you feel anxious, nervous, or like you are lacking something when you are in the money manifestation process? This is a clear sign that you might have a limiting belief, fear or negative relationships with money.

Here are some of the thoughts that might come up for you when manifesting money:

  • “My family isn’t wealthy, so neither will I.”

  • “Rich people are scumbags”

  • “You have to hustle and work my butt off to get wealthy.”

  • “It’s selfish to want a lot of money.”

  • “Money is the root of all evil.”

  • “The chances of becoming rich are really low.”

All of your fears, self-douts, limiting beliefs and blocks are hindering you from really manifesting the life, and ultimately the money you want and deserve to have.

If you are ready to rid yourself from all the negative beliefs and feelings you are still holding onto about money, and level-up into the next level version of yourself, and manifest massive money….join ‘Boss Bitches Mindset’ - Money Manifestation Course.

This course walks you through step by step how to collapse these limiting beliefs and re-wire your subconscious mind to be a money magnet.

If you are struggling with manifesting money, it will be especially useful to be guided through a course like this one (and don’t work…it’s actually affordable!!!) .

Step 4. Act As If You Are Already Where You Desire To Be

The basic principles of Law of Attraction can be applied here. Like Attracts Like. If you put yourself in a high vibe energetic state of abundance, you will attract high vibe energies back into your life. Basically, if you are constantly worried about money, than this is not the right energetic state you want to be in to attract massive amounts of money to you!

Get into the energetic state of WEALTH!

This doesn’t mean you have to go spend all your money and “ball out of control”. This means, get into the energetic state of where you want to be! Doing positive daily affirmations, guided meditations, and even hypnosis can all help you to elevate you vibe and get yourself into an energetic state that is a match to receive.

Step 5. Be Grateful For Where You Are Now

One of my personal favorite meditation practices is gratitude journaling. Gratitude is one of the highest vibrating frequencies, which uses the Law of Attraction in a heightened state.

In your gratitude journal, you could write “I’m grateful for the money that allows me to live my current lifestyle and enjoy ___________ on a regular basis” or “I am grateful that I’ve been able to enjoy __________ because I had more than enough money to enjoy it” or “I’m grateful for the money I receive from ____________ because it allows me to __________”.

Everyone’s reasons for gratitude will be different when it comes to money, as well as their own life experience.

The key is just to make a clearer positive energetic connection between your desire to make money and your abundance of past experience that were positive, and happened because you had more than enough money to take action.

Step 6. Daydream

And by daydream, I really mean VISUALIZE WITH INTENTION.

Visualization with intention is a powerful tool in manifestation using the Law of Attraction.

When you picture yourself enjoying the financial success, get into the energetic state and even try adding multiple sensory experiences into the visualization. Feel the excitement, or calm, or celebration in your body. Get familiar with that feeling. Can you add in any smells? And what can you hear? Maybe even hold cash while you do the visualization. What does the money (or the object you’ve bought with the money) feel like in your hands? Use your whole body to build, and believe in, the visualization.

You can also try visualizing from multiple perspectives, seeing yourself from outside your body in some visualizations. This is the visualization technique that works best for athletes who are honing their physical skills.

Step 7. Teach Yourself What It Means To Have Money

Brainstorm some reasons why you feel or think positively about money. As mentioned about, you may have more limiting thoughts and beliefs around money than you have positive ones.

The positive brainstorming process will help to rewire your thinking, sink into a state of gratitude, therefore become a heightened energetic match.

Write down as many positive statements as you can, then pin the piece of paper up where you can easily see it every day.

Step 8. Claim it

Practice affirmations that focus only on the positive feelings you enjoy or want to enjoy about money, but state them in PRESENT TENSE “I am” positive and empowering statements. For example, “Money flows to me easily” or “I am a money magnet” and “I love money, because money loves me”.

Experiment with several different wordings and choose the affirmation that strikes a special chord with you. Repeat it into the mirror every day.

So, in conclusion: for most people who want to manifest money, they are missing some or most of the parts mentioned in this article. When you become an energetic match for money, it will be attracted to you as if you are a magnet. But you have to get clear on what it is that you desire, and why, then stay aware of your energy towards it daily.

In contrast, people who believe they can attract money will do so. If you know you still need work on your money mindset and want a little extra guidance, Take the ‘Boss Bitches Mindset’ - Money Manifestation Course!

No worries if you are still having fears around what you can an cannot afford, this Money Manifestation Course is definitely in your budget!