5 Ways to Step Into Being a Boss Bitch

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5 Ways to Step into Being a Boss Bitch

So many people think of themselves as a BOSS but don’t see themselves as a LEADER. There is most certainly a Boss Bitch that live inside of you, you just have to learn how to step into your power as the innate leader that you are. Here are 5 ways to step more fully into your Boss Bitch Power.

  1. Own what you do/what you are passionate about

    Everyone has a message, and everyone has a passion. Its time to start sharing that with the world. I am a whole hearted believer that each and every single one of us have been placed on this earth with a specific calling and purpose. I believe part of that is to be of service. Whether that is of service to other people, or it might be of service to plants, animals, and the earth as a whole.

    Each of us have been born with uniquely special gifts and talents, and we must use those unique gifts to help us steps more powerfully into our highest vibrating self. (Referring to the human energy field)

  2. Carry yourself from a place of POWER + CONFIDENCE

    How do you carry yourself? How do you speak, walk, sit, hold your head and your shoulders? How do you use your hands when you talk? All of these are signs of you tapping into your power and confidence form within.

    There is most certainly a Boss that lives inside of you but you have to find her and tap into that power. Inside of you, there is a badass leader, maybe even a coach, but it’s time to step into it.

    You might be thinking, “But Kael, I have no ides how…”

    Well my love, there is a little thing called The Alter Ego Effect in which you can step into the power of your Alter Ego at any time you desire in order to unleash more power!

    Influential people like Beyonce, Martin Luther King Jr., and even super man are all powerful, confident and influential people that have use an alter ego in order to unleash the most confident, powerful, badass self.


    Hold the space for others, and they will be naturally draw to you because good leaders aren’t just good at delivering a clear message, but they are also good at listening to their tribe. It’s important here though, that you are listening to understand, not listening to reply.

    Becoming a good listener is a skill set that will require practice, but it is one of the most important skill sets any good leader masters.

  4. Commit to GROWTH

    The inner work of personal development never ends. It is something to be constantly expanded on. Being a leader is a journey, which means that we have to stay open to constant growth, healing, expansion, and up-levels. ARE YOU READY?

  5. EMPOWER OTHERS around you

    We can change the world TOGETHER, but that means we have to rise up together by empowering those around us. As the natural leader that you already are, you better believe it that you are already an inspiration and motivation to those around you. (You wouldn’t be reading this article if that wasn’t true). When you intentionally lead my empowering others, will you attract an unstoppable force behind everything that you do in life.

Leadership happens in small moments, so recognize how you are already a good leader. But remember it’s always about the commitment to constant growth.

I would like to invite you to my FREE Online Business 5 Day Training which will help you learn how to step into your true power and potential as the Boss Bitch that you truly are!

During these 5 days, I will help you:

  • Find clarity in who you are as a Boss Bitch

  • Who you serve as a leader

  • How to show up as the authority in your niche

  • Tailor your messaging and branding to attract the right clients/customers

  • And scale your biz to allow financial and time freedom