Ep. 129 - Become A Magnetic Decision-Maker

Both emotion and logic have a role to play in helping us make positive decisions. If we understand where our emotions come from and start to notice how they affect our thinking and behavior, we can practice managing our response and learn to make better choices.

Being in emotional balance and knowing yourself at this deeper level means you can trust your instincts.

So sometimes paying attention to our emotions can be a good thing. If you have a regular mindfulness or journalling practice, you probably know yourself well and enjoy a high level of self-awareness. You might be better off listening to your intuition when it comes to considering whether a romantic partner is right for you or whether you should change careers.

When you’re faced with a big decision, do you go with your gut feeling, or do you make a careful list of pros and cons?

Following your intuition can be a great way to tune in to your true desires. But even when you think your decisions are based on logic and common sense, they are often steered by emotion.

By understanding how emotions play into our decision-making process, we can learn to find the perfect balance between reason and intuition, and to make choices that serve us in living the best life we can.